Coconut Oil – Shed Belly Fat

Coconut Oil – Shed Belly Fat

Thanks to coconut oil’s high concentration of metabolism-boosting fatty acids and medium-chain triglycerides, it is the only oil you should be storing in your pantry if you’re looking to purge excess fat.

Rather than containing long-chain fatty acids, coconut oil is made entirely of medium-chain replicas. The difference lies in how medium-chain fatty acids are metabolized. When these fats reach the digestive tract, they are not selected for storage and later used, but dispatched directly to the liver. Once there, they are used as energy immediately or turned into ketone bodies. Ketones are a much more efficient fuel source for the body than glucose. It does not put you on a sugar-spike spiral, so you won’t feel that mid-afternoon slump which only makes you want more muffins pronto.

This is why coconut oil is so highly recommended as part of the ketogenic diet.

Coconut oil and the ketogenic diet – a dietary match made in heaven?

Yes. The metabolic benefits thanks to those medium-chain fatty acids cannot be overstated. Unlike glucose, the body uses this as an immediate source of energy, which is why it’s so great just before a workout instead of carbs. You should, of course, cut your carb intake in general if you want to go into a state of serious fat-burning or ketosis.

Coconut oil has a neutral, almost insipid taste. But if you can’t stomach a spoonful of coconut oil straight from the jar before your workout or first thing in the morning on your weight loss mission, try coconut butter.

Coconut oil and medium-chain triglyceride oils (MTCs) – the difference

MTC oils have already extracted the best from coconut oil. These extracted MTCs are easily digestible saturated fats. Because of the bioavailability of these fats, they are available as energy immediately and often used as a quick, healthy energy source by athletes. Not only do they provide a longer-lasting source of energy, they also increase blood flow to the muscles so your endurance during a workout is enhanced.

Coconut oil comes with a booster pack of benefits

Besides helping you to move into ketosis, this wonder oil also boosts your immunity so you fight infections better, improves healthy cholesterol levels and lowers heart disease, soothes inflammation in the colon and elsewhere, and improves the condition of your thyroid and its functioning – and these are just some of its benefits!

Can everyone use coconut oil – is it safe?

If you are on the keto diet especially, you’d be following a low carb, high-fat diet and you may have to limit how much coconut oil you ingest – moderation is always key.

It all comes down to your existing cholesterol levels. Some individuals on the keto diet exhibit extremely high cholesterol levels, and if they are consuming healthy fats, this is probably down to genetics. Although there is not necessarily a definite correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease, it is best not to take the risk.

The benefits of incorporating coconut oil as part of your keto or any diet for that matter cannot be overstated – this simple dietary swap can be the single difference you make to turn your metabolism from sluggish to a fat-melting furnace.

The Perfect Ketogenic Breakfast

The Perfect Ketogenic Breakfast

While originally derived to help treat children’s epilepsy, the ketogenic diet has been picking up speed in the weight loss world. This high fat, low carb diet has its followers consuming less than 30 grams of carbohydrates for an entire day. With such a low intake of carbs, your body must find other ways to make the energy it needs for daily functioning. Therefore, your body goes into a state of ketosis, which basically means your body starts to burn fat for energy instead of carbs.  This allows all of the fats you are eating, as well as any excess fat in your body to get used up for this energy conversion process, which in turn causes you to lose weight.

What Can You Eat For Breakfast?

Being on such a low carb diet, automatic breakfast foods, like cereal, pancakes, or french toast are out of the question. So, what’s left? Eggs and breakfast meats are a common staple for those following this kind of diet. There are lots of recipes available to help you keep your diet varied so you don’t get bored of eating scrambled eggs and sausage every morning. Things like a crustless quiche, or scrambled egg cups with veggies can be great grab-and-go options if you are in a hurry in the morning.

And, what can you eat if you’re not an egg person? While eggs are a great source of protein, there are still plenty of things to eat without ever having to touch an egg. Ingredients like cottage cheese or almond butter are great ways to start your day off right. Try putting cottage cheese with some big slices of tomato, or having a few tablespoons of nut butter with an apple!

Ketogenic Breakfasts Without Ketosis

Many people have claimed that even while not being on a full-time ketogenic diet, eating a ketogenic style breakfast helps them start their day off better. While you may not be in a state of ketosis, because you do not follow the diet all day long, having a breakfast that is high in fat and protein, while keeping the carbohydrates to a minimum can kickstart your metabolism to work better throughout the day. Many athletes and trainers follow this diet for their morning meal and have said that if they try to eat carbs in the morning now, they feel tired and lethargic for the rest of the day. This is not to say these athletes don’t eat carbs during the rest of their day, but avoiding them in the early hours helps their metabolism keeping them feeling right throughout the day!


We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  But, when we load that meal up with carbohydrates, its not working for us the way we want!  Whether you have decided to follow a ketogenic diet for your entire meal plan, or are just trying to jumpstart your metabolism in the morning, lowering your carbohydrate intake and raising your fat and protein intake can make sure you’ll be on the right path for the rest of your day.

MCT Oil And Weight Loss

MCT Oil And Weight Loss

What is MCT Oil?

MCT is an acronym for medium-chain triglycerides, which is a saturated fatty acid that has proven to have several health benefits. The fatty acid is able to improve your cognitive functions, as well as help you to lose weight. One of the best sources of MCT is coconut oil.

MCTs are also referred to as MCFAs, which is short for medium-chain fatty acids and is not present in most people’s diets. The reasoning is because most people have a notion that any form of saturated fat is pernicious.

Studies have shown that MCT Oil should be consumed daily as it is easier to digest than long-chain triglycerides and possibly possess more health benefits. Apart from coconut oil, you can find MTC in whole milk, butter, cheese and full-fat yogurt.

Why should you consume MCT Oil?

As medium-chain triglycerides are easy to consume, it goes straight into the liver where it has a positive effect on your metabolism. MCT is burnt by the body for fuel. The body does not store it as fat, thereby, helping you to lose weight

The other benefits of MCT Oil:

  • Balances hormone levels.
  • Combats bacterial infections.
  • Provides the body with energy.
  • Helps you to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Improves your mood.
  • Assists in the digestion.

How does MCT Oil help with weight loss?

We are glad you asked. As MCT is burnt and metabolized quickly, it helps you to lose weight. The MCT is absorbed from the gut and into the liver and is not stored as fat, instead, the body burns it to supply you with energy.

Research conducted has shown that the consumption of coconut oil has resulted in significant weight loss because the energy and fat burning increased. One of the benefits of coconut oil is its ability to speed up the metabolism, as well as curbing your appetite, thereby, allowing the consumer to lose significant stomach fat.

MCT also has the ability to act as an antioxidant and has antimicrobial properties. These roles result in the support of your immune system, as well as being a source of antibacterial and antifungal.

Since MCTs are a fat burning oil, it is absorbed in the blood, which boosts the metabolism, reduces fat storage, is able to burn fat and calories, not to mention curb your appetite. Studies have clearly proven that MCTs are able to burn 460 calories daily in men, while only 190 in women. As a result of suppressing your appetite, you lose weight, but MCTs make you feel full. You will not get that craving feeling that may lead to gaining weight if you act on it.

The individuals who undertook the testing had seen that MCT was able to improve the cholesterol profile. After the experiment, the participants were convinced, since they had seen proof that MCT is able to help you lose weight, as well as body fat and subcutaneous fat. The participants not only lost the fat but at the same time, their triglycerides had also decreased.

The Low-Down on the Ketogenic Diet

The Low-Down on the Ketogenic Diet

It’s been hailed as the miracle diet – the one that turns conventional wisdom on its head and encourages you to eat fat, and lots of it, to burn fat. There’s scientific evidence that shows that it really does work. It has the support of some real heavy-weights (no pun intended) in the international medical and scientific fraternity. No wonder then that the high-fat, low-carb diet – more accurately called the ketogenic diet – has taken the diet and nutrition world by storm. Everywhere you go, everyone you speak to is either doing it or knows someone who is.

So, if you haven’t tried it yet, and you have a few (or a lot of) pounds to shed, you might be wondering whether to join the keto revolution.

Not so fast. For every keto-acolyte out there who swears by the diet, there are probably a few nay-sayers.

Why the Controversy?

Let’s start with looking at exactly what a ketogenic diet is and how it works.

The first thing to recognize is that it is not new, or even revolutionary. It’s been used for about 100 years – initially to help control epileptic seizures.

Its adoption as a weight loss tool came much later and was popularized in the 1970s by the famous Dr. Atkins Diet. Today, there are many variations of the Dr. Atkins Diet, but the goal is always the same: to get to a point at which the body uses fat rather than carbohydrates as its primary source of fuel. This is known as ketosis. In a conventional diet, it’s usually the other way around. By changing the balance of your fuel (calorie) source, to acquire between 75% and 90% of your calories from fat, 6% to 20% from protein, and only 2% to 5% from carbs, your glycogen-levels (carbs are stored as glycogen in your body) will soon be depleted and you enter a state of ketosis.

Most studies – but not all – show that being in this ketosis state will promote weight loss. And once you are in a state of ketosis, the high proportion of fats you consume make you feel full which is something few other weight loss plans can lay claim to. If you don’t feel hungry, you are less inclined to cheat. And if you don’t cheat, you will continue to lose weight. Right?

In theory, yes. The problem is that most people find it really difficult to stick to eating no more than about 50 grams of carbs per day. That basically means no potatoes, no pasta, no fruit, no sweets, no wine (or other alcohol), no honey, no starchy vegetables like pumpkin or sweet potatoes, no pulses, no whole grains… no, no and no. From a pure health perspective, think of all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and prebiotics your body will be missing out on too. Many people also report feeling depressed and moody while eating a strict ketogenic diet, headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, bad breath, and constipation are also common side effects.

There is also the risk of developing a potentially fatal condition known as ketoacidosis when ketosis is allowed to go too far.

Bottom Line

Some people do well on a ketogenic diet, losing weight initially. However, few are able to maintain it as a lifestyle diet and if not careful, can develop unwanted and possibly dangerous side effects.

Ketogenic Diet And Exercise

Ketogenic Diet And Exercise

Being on a highly restrictive diet such as a ketogenic diet has the benefit of weight loss, but requires severely limiting the amount of carbohydrates consumed to enable a ketosis state −  this could raise a problem, carbohydrates being used by the body as a source of energy. Bodies need more carbohydrates if exercise is heightened, however, with this diet sources of energy are restricted to below 50 grams daily. The question, therefore, arises: is it safe to be on this diet and still exercise? The simple answer is that when you are on the ketogenic diet, you will be in a ketogenic state during which fat is burned as fuel. In principle, you do not need to exercise to actually lose weight. Therefore, the question then is what type of exercise will not harm your health while on the ketogenic diet?

Aerobic exercise versus anaerobic exercise while on the ketogenic diet

Aerobic exercise is any workout that is conducted for longer than three minutes. During high-intensity aerobic workouts, the body uses carbohydrates as a source of energy. However, as a person on the ketogenic diet does not have many carbohydrates to be used as fuel, fat is used. The body does, however, need to adjust to this change.

Symptoms of adjustment include simply not feeling well at first; some mental fogginess may be noticed. Such symptoms will fade as the body adjusts within two to three weeks. During that time, performance will be lower than normal. With anaerobic exercise, fat will not provide the right level of fuel the body needs for this type of exercise.

Carbohydrate loading will be needed to fuel the body so that the body can perform this type of weight-training exercise.

What are some of the side effects you may experience if you exercise while on the ketogenic diet?

On this type of diet, the body goes into a ketogenic state in which fat is used as energy, carbohydrates not being available as a source of energy. However, while in this state, the kidneys remove the build-up of keto-acids that occurs. If, however, the kidneys are not able to remove these acids quickly enough, chest pain, dizziness, or fatigue may result, or an electrolyte imbalance can occur.

The bottom line

People on the ketogenic diet can still exercise, as there are health benefits to exercise. In principle, this is not necessary if the goal is to lose weight. The body will use up the fat as fuel when it enters ketosis. Extreme high-intensity workouts such as cross fit may be inadvisable, the body’s performance being compromised during ketosis. However, aerobic exercise will be good for speeding up weight loss. The key is to opt for a more moderate training program. Extreme training is better done during periods when not on this type of diet.

The Difference Between Ketosis And Ketoacidosis

The Difference Between Ketosis And Ketoacidosis

Although they sound the same, ketosis and ketoacidosis mean two very different things. They share a common root word which is ketones. That is because both processes result from the production of ketone bodies because of the chemical reactions that are driving the body’s metabolism. Despite their common root, ketosis and ketoacidosis have strikingly different qualities.

Differences in their starting point

Ketosis begins when the body is starved of carbohydrates. This could either be because the person is fasting or because they are following a low-carbohydrate diet. When there is not enough glucose available from carbohydrates, the body switches to using fat as a source of energy. While breaking down carbohydrates for energy produces lactic acid, breaking down fats produces ketones.

In the case of ketoacidosis, the trigger is a lack of insulin which causes a reduced glucose uptake. This occurs quite commonly in diabetic patients. The same process unfolds, where the body breaks down fat and produces ketones, but the combination of the acidic ketones and the sugar causes what is called diabetic ketoacidosis. There are other causes for ketoacidosis such as a heart attack, alcohol misuse, cocaine use or sepsis.

Differences in their signs and symptoms

The only real way to tell if a person is in ketosis is if they have an acetone smell about their breath or when they perspire. This is because acetone is a ketone and it is the form in which the body excretes ketones.

Ketoacidosis, on the other hand, displays a variety of medically detectable symptoms. These include:

  • Feeling thirsty/dehydration
  • A frequent urge to urinate
  • Nausea, vomiting and stomach pain
  • Shortness of breath tiredness and feelings of confusion

Conducting a urine dipstick test can also give a good indication of whether a person is beginning ketosis or is suffering from ketoacidosis. A urine dipstick test for the presence of ketones can give the person an indication of the concentration of ketones in the urine. A person is considered to be in the initial stages of ketosis when their ketone levels are greater than 0.6 mmol/L. Between 0.6 and 3 mmol/L is considered to be nutritional ketosis and anything greater than 5 mmol/L is considered to be at risk for ketoacidosis. There are also blood tests that can be done but these are not conducted at home.

The prevalence of ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis is a leading cause of death in young diabetic people. Between 2% and 5% of people die from ketoacidosis. The age distribution for people who suffer from ketoacidosis is as follows:

  • Younger than 30 years old: 36 percent
  • Between 30 and 50 years old: 27 percent
  • Between 51 and 70 years old: 23 percent
  • Older than 70 years: 14 percent

Treatment for ketoacidosis

Ketosis can easily be reversed by eating carbohydrates again. Ketoacidosis, on the other hand, requires some medical interventions. These include replacing fluids orally or through a drip, replacing electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and chloride, administering intravenous insulin and eliminating other problems such as a heart attack or sepsis.

In both cases of ketosis and ketoacidosis, it is a good idea to keep a decent record of the foods you eat each day. That can help you to maintain ketosis and to avoid ketoacidosis.

Ketosis Effects on Health

Ketosis Effects on Health

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a natural metabolic process of burning stored fats when the body does not have enough glucose for energy. This process results in a build-up of body acids called ketones. Ketosis can also be encouraged by following a diet called a ketogenic or low-carb diet.

Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic diet, also known as Ketosis was originally intended to help patients with epilepsy. The aim of the diet is to burn unwanted fat by forcing the body to rely on fat for energy, instead of carbohydrates. This then would help reduce the number of seizures that the epileptic patients suffer.

Ketosis and Epilepsy

According to, health care professionals normally recommend the ketogenic diet for kids whose seizures have not responded to many epilepsy medication. It is usually prescribed by physicians and carefully monitored by a dietitian. The way that Ketosis works is that it produces special molecules that change the brain chemistry that limits seizures. Furthermore, also states that most of the kids that have been through the diet experienced half as many seizures as when they did not follow the diet. Moreover, about 15% of them even stopped experiencing seizures.

Ketosis and Weight Loss

Even though this diet was not designed for weight loss, nowadays Ketogenic diet is one of the popular diets for weight loss.

When there is no glucose in the body, which the cells normally use as a quick source of energy, the body alters for fat and produces ketones instead. When the levels of ketones rise and reach a particular point, you then reach the ketosis state. This is the state that results in a quick and constant weight loss until you get to a healthy and stable body weight. The weight loss is often notable and it happens within a short space of time, especially for individuals who begin the diet when they are very obese. When we consume less carbohydrates, our bodies release less insulin. When the insulin levels are low no extra energy is stored, instead, it uses the existing fat that is stored for energy.

Other Health Benefits of Ketosis

  • Combats neurological and brain diseases
  • Helps protect against cancer
  • Reduces the risk of heart-related diseases
  • Helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Promotes a healthy long life

Disadvantages of Ketosis

It can be hard to stick to this diet when you can’t find ketosis inducing diets at social or formal gatherings. However, this is not the biggest problem. Even though the diet can be good for health, you can experience some side effects from it. Those include constipation, low blood sugar or indigestion, and even kidney stones or acidosis.

Take Away

It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before you begin a Ketogenic diet, or any other diet for that matter to ensure that your body is in a state of health that can handle it. Remember to follow the instructions properly in order to reach your goal.

What To Expect On A Ketogenic Diet

What To Expect On A Ketogenic Diet

You may have heard many health experts talk about the ketogenic diet and praise it as the ultimate formula for weight loss. But, what exactly is it all about? A ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet that limits the intake of carbohydrates and places emphasis on foods that are rich in protein and fat.

During the ketogenic diet, the body burns fat to produce energy. The body produces small molecules called ketones. The way to produce ketones is to eat a limited amount of carbs and moderate amounts of protein.

Ketones are produced from fat in the liver. Thereafter, ketones are used in the body and the brain as fuel. The brain cannot function solely on fat, it needs the ketones for energy. When you are on a ketogenic diet, your body transitions to a fuel supply that functions mostly from fat. The quickest avenue to reach ketosis, when the body produces ketones, is by fasting.

People use low-carb diets mostly for weight loss, but it has other health benefits such as reducing type 2 diabetes risk factors, as well as metabolic syndrome.

Which Foods To Eat On A Ketogenic Diet?

To reach ketosis, the most important thing that you need to do is limit your intake of carbs. The recommended intake of daily carbs is below 20 grams.

Foods to consume:

  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Vegetables
  • Fish and seafood
  • Natural fats

You should avoid foods such as bread, juices, beer, pasta, and candy. When it comes to drinking, you should consume only coffee, tea, water and red wine.

What To Expect?

  • The biggest benefit of being on the ketogenic diet is losing weight, obviously. In order to achieve any weight loss, you will have to limit the number of calories that you consume and make sure that you are highly active. Health experts have advised you to reduce 500 calories on a daily basis. When you reduce the intake of carbs and calories you lose weight, and fat helps you to feel full for a longer period, thereby, you eat less frequently.
  • The other benefits of being on a low-carb diet are linked to your health. Studies have proven that a low-carb diet can prevent or improve certain health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Research has also shown that low-carb diets are able to improve high-density lipoprotein cholesterol more than other carb diets.

What Are The Risks?

If your body is used to a certain amount of carbohydrates on a daily basis and then you drastically lower the amount, your body may have an adverse reaction. Some of the most common symptoms of being on a ketogenic diet include bad breath, headache, skin rash, fatigue, and constipation or diarrhea.

Since the intake of carbohydrates is very restricted, you may experience a deficiency in vitamins and minerals in the long haul, as well as increase the risk in several chronic diseases. For you to remain healthy, you need to choose foods that contain healthy unsaturated fats and healthy proteins.

Ketosis Rules For Weight Loss

Ketosis Rules For Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet is pretty controversial but it was actually made popular by Dr. Robert Atkins. A ketogenic diet requires a decreased consumption of carbohydrates and an increased consumption of fats and protein. With a lack of carbohydrates, the body is then forced into a state of ketosis, which is a form of fat metabolism. The diet claims to help you lose weight because the production of insulin is reduced and that then causes your body to not be able to store as much body fat. There a few rules you must follow to see the best results and most weight loss. You should be in contact with your doctor about any changes you make to your diet and stay connected just in case it causes you any negative symptoms.

Drink, Drink and Drink Water

As with most diets and even for people that are not on diets, staying hydrated is very important. At the start of the ketogenic diet, you will first shed water weight. This happens because carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen with water to keep you hydrated. A lack of carbohydrates will, therefore, cause you to get dehydrated more quickly. The amount of water needed per day depends on your daily physical activity. You should be drinking 2-3 cups of water per hour of a workout in addition to 6-8 cups per day. You should also increase your intake if you are in the heat.

High Fiber

It is recommended for women to eat at least 20 grams of fiber a day and men need over 30 grams a day. A lot of fiber is found in carbs, so you may accidentally reduce your fiber intake by eliminating carbs. You will need to consume other forms of fiber to help with digestion. Certain vegetables are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. There is also the option to fill your fiber need by taking a supplement containing psyllium husk. Fiber is crucial for weight loss and a healthy digestive tract. It also helps get rid of hunger.

Calorie Reduction

Even though you aren’t required to count calories on the ketogenic diet, you will still need to cut down your daily calorie intake for the best weight loss results. The only way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn, how you get to that point varies, but you still have to watch your calorie intake. You don’t need to actually count but you do need to be aware. You may find this difficult because you are allowed to eat high-calorie foods on a ketosis diet, but it is possible and will aid in your weight loss goals.

The Takeaway

For the best results in a ketosis diet, you will need to stick with it. Getting to a ketosis state isn’t easy but has been shown to be well worth the effort. You should consult with your doctor before starting any new diets or adding any supplements to your daily routine. The ketosis/ketogenic diet seems like it could be what’s necessary to help with weight loss.

Calories In The Ketogenic Diet

Calories In The Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a form of the low carbohydrate diet. The idea is to reprogram the body’s metabolism to use fats as the major source of energy. By doing this, the energy is more sustained and the body breaks down some of the fat storage that it has. When the body is severely low in carbohydrates, the main source of glucose, it breaks down fats to release glycerol which can be converted to glucose. It also oxidizes the fatty acid chains which are released in order to make substrates that can enter the chemical reactions that produce energy. These processes generate a byproduct called ketones. This is where the diet gets its name from. But fats are very calorie dense foods and a person who follows a ketogenic diet can easily overshoot their recommended calorie intake. This article, therefore, determines how many calories a person should take in whilst following a ketogenic diet.

The foods that the diet includes

The diet suggests cutting out all forms of refined carbohydrates such as bread, rice, potatoes sugar and sugary drinks. Many people use refined carbohydrates as a staple in their diet. The ketogenic diet recommends using fats as a staple instead. A person conducting the ketogenic diet should also include high protein sources in their diet. Examples of these are red meat, chicken, fish, butter, olive oil and flaxseed oil. Individuals should also include normal sources of minerals as long as they do not contain high carbohydrates. For example, milk as a source of calcium, vegetables as a source of vitamins and minerals, restricted fruit intake and a reasonable amount of salt. These foods are also said to improve satiety – the feeling of being full – so that the person on the diet feels a less frequent need to eat.

Any sort of cheating on this diet should be considered very carefully because any form of carbohydrates completely disrupts ketosis (the formation of ketones through the breakdown of alternative energy sources).

The ketogenic ratio

The ketogenic ratio is the ratio of fats to other dietary sources (such as proteins and carbohydrates) in a person’s diet. For a ketogenic diet to be effective, a person’s ketogenic ratio should be between 2-to-1 and 5-to-1. This ratio can help a person to determine the estimated amount of fat they should be consuming on a ketogenic diet. The recommended daily calorie intake for men is 2500 kilocalories and for women is 2000 kilocalories. If you break that down according to the optimal ketogenic ratio, a man should be consuming between 1650 kilocalories and 2080 kilocalories of fat per day. This equates to between 6.5 and 8 oz. of fat per day. A woman should be receiving 1350 to 1650 kilocalories of fat per day. This equates to 5.3 to 6.5 oz. of fat per day. The remainder of the calories should be mostly in the form of proteins, but can be in a small part from natural carbohydrates. For a man, this is between 3.7 and 7.5 oz. per day of proteins and carbohydrates together. A woman should consume between 3 and 5.7 oz. of proteins and carbohydrates together.