Coconut Oil Or MCT Oil?

Coconut Oil Or MCT Oil?

Raw vs extracted

The difference between pure MCT oil and coconut oil is that MCT oils are made in an industrial facility by separating medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oils from long-chain triglyceride oils using a process called fractionation. These highly concentrated MCT oils are then placed in a container to be sold. Coconut oil, however, is simply extracted from the white fleshy part of a coconut. It contains all the MCT oils that are present in the refined products, as well as a few long-chain triglycerides and other nutrients. The distinction is made between them because some people believe that MCT oils should be used in place of coconut oils especially in a ketogenic diet.

The purpose of these oils in a ketogenic diet

The main purpose of consuming MCT oils or coconut oils is to facilitate the body entering a state of ketosis. This is when the body use as fat as the main source of energy instead of carbohydrates. It is called ketosis because the breakdown of fatty acids like those in MCT oils releases compounds called ketones. Ketones are an alternative energy source for the brain and reprogramming the body to metabolize fat for energy helps to break down stored fat and lose weight. One of the arguments for the preference of MCT oils is that it does not contain long-chain triglycerides which take longer to absorb. This means that in theory, it gets absorbed quicker and produces ketones more quickly than coconut oil.

Why coconut oil is better than MCT oil

There are basically 4 MCT oils that are present in coconut. They are capric acid, caprylic acid, caproic acid and lauric acid. During the fractionation process, the lauric acid is lost, so artificial MCT oils contain only three of the important MCTs. Other important acids that are lost in the process are stearic acid, linoleic acid, and oleic acid. Artificial MCT oils are also missing the high doses of vitamin A, vitamin K and iron that are present in coconut oil. So basically MCT oils are placed through an extra processing step which can raise their cost but it loses them some of the benefits of coconut oil. This is not to say that MCT oils are bad, but it’s preferable to consume coconut oil.

Lauric acid – why it’s important

Lauric acid is the most abundant MCT in coconut oil. It makes up almost 50%. Lauric acid can be used much more easily by the body to generate ketones. It is, therefore, the fastest source for generating fat-based energy in a ketogenic diet. It also busts the myth that artificial MCT oils cause ketosis quicker than coconut oil. Medium chain triglycerides and long-chain triglycerides get absorbed by two different mechanisms in the body. MCTs are absorbed into the bloodstream while long-chain triglycerides are absorbed through the lymphatic system. So the MCTs in coconut oil are absorbed as fast as those in the artificial version. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is metabolized much quicker so it actually wins the race in generating ketones.

American Metabolix Keto Meal Review

In the following review about American Metabolix Keto Meal, we’ve examined critical aspects about it – like its ingredients and what price it’s offered at. We also assessed the trustworthiness of the manufacturer to help potential customers decide if they should purchase this particular supplement to help them get into a state of ketosis.


  • Calcium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Coconut oil medium chain triglycerides
  • Egg protein

Beta hydroxybutyrate is a naturally occurring ketone in the human body. In fact, it is the most abundant circulating ketone. A recent study established that taking outside beta hydroxybutyrate increases levels of it in the blood. These ketones are then used by the muscles and brain as an energy source. Just as importantly, the ketones caused the mitochondria, which are the energy producing parts of a cell, to increase the levels of certain intermediates that actually reduced the cells’ reliance on carbohydrates for energy. This means that not only does beta hydroxybutyrate act as an energy source but it also causes the body to increase its breakdown of fats and produce more ketones.

The magnesium and calcium that are paired with the beta hydroxybutyrate can be used to improve muscle contraction and relaxation. The coconut oil medium chain triglycerides and egg protein act as a source of nutrients which can be converted to ketones when the body moves to this metabolic state.


The supplement is taken in a powder form. One to two scoops can be mixed with 12 oz of water and taken three times a day – as a breakfast, as a meal replacement and just before bed. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 75% fat 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates.

Possible Side Effects

There are some allergens in this product like whey, coconut and soy lectin. For people who aren’t allergic to any of those ingredients, no major side effects can be expected. People who have a chronic medical condition and pregnant and nursing mothers should consult a physician before using this supplement.


A one-time purchase will cost a customer $79.99 which excludes shipping and taxes. The manufacturer offers a subscription service which grants customers a 10% discount. The subscription grants the customer a chance to receive a regular orders that are determined by the customer.


The manufacturer offers a 100% money back guarantee so the customers will receive a full refund if they return the product within 30 days. The manufacturer does not share whether they exclude opened and used products.

Our American Metabolix Keto Meal Review – Conclusion

We find the ingredients present in the supplement to be well considered because there is a fair amount of scientific research to back them up. We don’t believe that the inclusion of these ingredients warrants the massive price that this manufacturer is asking for though. Customers are not receiving any more benefits from paying for this more expensive supplement than they would when looking at other manufacturer’s products, many of which are cheaper. It’s true that they offer a subscription discount and a guarantee, but the subscription discount is far less than some of the bulk order discounts that other manufacturers offer and the guarantee is just too short to test the product sufficiently.

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Nutricost Ketone Salts Review

Nutricost Ketone Salts is an all natural supplement that contains different kind of salt molecules that are designed to assist their users to get into a ketogenic state. A ketogenic state assists with weight loss. We assess this manufacturer’s considerations of ingredients and determine whether they offer a quality supplement.


  • Calcium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Potassium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Sodium beta hydroxybutyrate

When the salts are digested, they release minerals which can be used by the muscles and other organs to conduct their biochemical processes. For example, sodium and potassium are involved in controlling muscle contraction, while calcium helps muscles to contract longer and magnesium relaxes them.

The other part of these ketone salts beta hydroxybutyrate, is a ketone. When levels of beta hydroxybutyrate are high enough in the body, the body is considered to be in ketosis. Ketosis is a particular form of metabolism where the body breaks down fats as its source of energy more than it does for carbohydrates. This releases more ketones which can be used by the brain and muscles as a source of energy. Ketosis has been linked quite strongly with weight loss because of increased fat breakdown.


Nutricost Ketone Salts comes in a powdered form. One rounded scoop can be added to 8 to 12 ounces of water. The maximum servings that can be taken per day is three. Altogether, there are 17000 mg of ketone salts in the supplement with 13000 mg being beta-hydroxybutyrate.

Possible Side Effects

We could not find any evidence of adverse effects associated with the use of ketone salts. However, pregnant women, nursing mothers and customers with chronic conditions, especially for those which they require medication should always be careful and consult a health professional before using this supplement.


A container of 500g (1.1 lbs) can be purchased online for $79.95. There is an unflavored option and a lemon lime flavored option. Free shipping is offered for any order that is over $75, which includes this product. This manufacturer does not appear to offer any monthly subscription options or bulk purchase discounts.


The manufacturer offers a 100% refund to any customer that is unsatisfied with their purchase. This guarantee can only be applied to one used bottle of the product. This manufacturer does not specify how long this guarantee is valid for.

Our Nutricost Ketone Salts Review – Conclusion

The ingredients in Nutricost Ketone Salts as well as the dosage contained in each serving is quite well considered and does support the manufacturer’s claim about weight loss. The problem with this manufacturer is that they are not entirely transparent and clear about their guarantee. By not telling the customer how long the guarantee is valid for, they run the risk that the customer exceeds the time limit and doesn’t get their money back. This means that customers are not as protected as they think they are when they buy the supplement. We have observed manufacturers with much clearer guarantees and believe customers should look at these instead.

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Ketosis, Diet and Exercise

Ketosis, Diet and Exercise

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis refers to a condition whereby your body burns fat for energy. This is done by reducing sugar levels in the body through the elimination of carbohydrates in the diet while increasing the consumption of fatty foods. This process leads to a build-up of body acids called ketones. It is not an easy process. Therefore, once you achieve ketosis, you should work to maintain it.

Health benefits of Ketosis

The ketogenic diet which puts the body in a state of ketosis was originally developed to help reduce the number of seizures suffered by epilepsy patients. Research claims that the number of seizures that the epilepsy patients suffered during trials was half of what they experienced when they were not following the diet. Some even stopped experiencing seizures. This diet is also helpful in reducing the risks of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, neurological disorders, and in promoting weight loss.

How to Reach Ketosis


Ketosis can be achieved through a low-carb diet. When you consume less than 50 grams of carbohydrates in a day, the blood sugar in your body is depleted. When this happens, your body starts breaking down protein and fat to use for energy. At this stage, you have reached ketosis.


Ketosis can also be reached through exercise. Exercise uses a lot of energy which is obtained from different sources, such as amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates. Once the sugar is depleted through exercise, the next source of energy that is used is muscle glycogen, depending on the extent of the exercise. This, of course, does not refer to just any exercise. An intense training such as speed cycling or heavy resistance training relies mostly on the muscle glycogen. Therefore, these kinds of exercises may help you reach ketosis faster. When your glycogen levels drop low enough, you reach ketosis. After reaching ketosis, workouts will help you stay in the ketogenic stage.

After intense exercise, you can consume a small amount of simple sugars and your ketogenic state will not be affected. This is because your insulin will help move the sugar directly into your muscles without affecting the ketogenic state.

In a small research study, nine women exercised either before or after their meals. It was found that their blood ketone levels were between 137-314% higher when they exercised before a meal than when they exercised after a meal.

Measure Your Ketone Levels and Adjust Your Diet and Exercise

As you would weigh yourself on a scale when trying to achieve your weight loss goal, measuring your ketone levels while trying to get to a ketosis state or maintain it could be useful.

Types of Ketones

  • Acetone – This is measured by using a Ketonix meter. It measures the acetone in your breath.
  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate – This is measured by using a blood ketone meter, which works the same way as a glucose meter. It measures the amount of beta-hydroxybutyrate in your blood.
  • Acetoacetate – This is measured in the urine. Ketone urine strips are dipped into urine. The darker the color, the higher the ketone levels in the blood.

Take Away

Remember that even though exercise can increase the production of ketones, it will not adapt overnight to using ketones as the main energy fuel. Ketosis can be beneficial for a number of individuals, however, people with type 1 diabetes need to be careful. Very high levels of ketones could lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a dangerous state caused by insufficient insulin in the blood.

Calculator For the Keto Diet

Calculator For the Keto Diet

When you are on the ketogenic diet, you consume very little carbohydrates. Instead, you have to eat healthy fat in order for the body to burn it for energy. The body transitions from using glucose as a source of energy to fat since your daily consumption does not consist of carbohydrates.

When the body makes this transition, it is known as ketosis. Since it is very important that you are aware of the number of carbohydrates, calories and fats you are consuming, you will need a guide to assist you. One of the best ways to keep track of the food types is to use a Macro Calculator.

Health experts have advised you to limit your daily carbohydrates to 50 mg per day in order to stay in ketosis. But, what about the amount of fat and protein that you should consume? The macro calculator enables you to find out exactly how much calories and macronutrients you should be consuming daily.

In order to use the calculator, you will need to know your body fat percentage. If you are uncertain, you can visit a physician to get tested. The body fat percentage is important to the equation because the macro calculator uses your lean weight, which is the total body weight minus the body fat, to determine the macronutrients you need daily.

What Information Is Necessary?

Once you have discovered your body fat percentage, you will need to input the following information into the calculator:

  • Gender.
  • Your current weight.
  • Body fat percentage.
  • Your daily activity level.
  • Exercise routine.
  • Your goal.

For the daily activity level, you will have an option from sedentary all the way to extremely active. You should not consider your exercise routine when answering the question. In the exercise question, you will have to stipulate if you exercise or not. If you do exercise, you will have to stipulate the hours per week you lift weights and do cardio. When answering the goal question, you will have options to select from losing weight, maintaining or gaining muscle.

Once you have input the information, the calculator will inform you of the number of calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein you should be consuming daily to remain in ketosis.

What The Experts Have Advised

The standard ketogenic diet consists of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. You can use the Standard Ketogenic Calculator mode when determining the macronutrients you need to consume daily. The experts have recommended this mode.

What Then?

Once the calculator has given you the carbs, fat, protein and calories you need to consume daily, it is then time for you to determine the foods that you should be eating. Foods such as salmon, lean meat, eggs, walnuts, avocados and low-carb vegetables all form part of the ketogenic diet.

According to the figures that the calculator has displayed, you need to determine your daily portions in order to reach your goal. Be sure to stay away from bread, pasta and other foods containing high carbs.

6 Low-Carb Diet Myths

6 Low-Carb Diet Myths

1. Lacking Essential Food Groups

In order to get the most out of a low-carb diet, you will need to remove certain food groups from your diet such as legumes, grains, and even cut down on fruit. These food groups may seem like they are needed in your diet, but they really aren’t essential and you can survive and thrive without them. Low-carb diets are not no-carb diets, so you are able to have carbohydrates in low amounts.

2. Hard To Be Fully Committed

Many believe that removing an entire food group from a diet can be extremely hard to stick to in the long-run. It is understandable that one may feel deprived of foods they enjoyed. Unfortunately, all diets have to restrict something or else what would they be trying to accomplish? A low-carb diet doesn’t ask that you count calories and still aids in weight loss.

3. Saturated Fat

Since you consume a lot more animal proteins and fats on a low-carb diet, like meat and eggs, you are definitely consuming saturated fats and cholesterol. But the new thought is that saturated fats and cholesterol aren’t really that bad for you. It’s a myth that hasn’t yet been proven. There have been studies done and they have shown no correlation between saturated fats and heart-related issues. A low-carb diet actually causes a reduction of saturated fats in blood levels because they become your source of fuel.

4. Long-Term Effects

There is a myth that says that low-carb diets are not safe if you do them continuously. But, this is just not true. There have been studies that lasted 2 years, and there were no side effects. The only thing there was, was positive effects on the person’s health. There is no proof and no reason to believe that a low-carb diet will cause you any future problems.

5. Ketosis Causes Harm

Some medical professionals say that getting to a state of ketosis from eating a low-carb diet is dangerous and can be fatal. There is a confusion between the terms “ketosis” and “ketoacidosis”. They may sound similar but they are very different. Our bodies go into a state of ketosis if we consume less than 50 grams of carbs a day. When our bodies are in a state of ketosis it forces our stored fat cells to be used as energy. Ketoacidosis is something that only happens in uncontrolled type 1 diabetes. It means that the bloodstream has too many glucose and ketone bodies. Ketosis and ketoacidosis, therefore, are not related at all. Ketosis can actually help with brain cancer, type 2 diabetes, and epilepsy.

6. No Proof

Many say that low-carb diets have no proof that they even work but in actuality, many dietitians and doctors have begun to start using these diets in their practices since all the studies and research has come out. Low-carb diets compared to low-fat diets have been shown to be easier and way more effective. They will help you lose weight and possibly help you reverse diseases like diabetes.

ANS Performance Ketosys Review

ANS Performance Ketosys is a dietary supplement that contains ketone sources. The idea behind taking these nutrients is that they will cause your body to become ketogenic. It can be used to supplement a ketogenic diet or to start one. The manufacturer claims that ANS Performance Ketosys will improve mental and physical performance especially during a workout.


  • Coconut oil powder
  • Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol)
  • Flaxseed oil powder
  • Lipase
  • Acesulfame

The ingredients in the supplement of all sources of fatty acids, especially medium chain triglycerides. These triglycerides are broken down by the body to be used as an energy source and in the process they produce ketones. Ketones can be used by the brain and by the muscles as an efficient source of energy. Some manufacturers include already formed ketones as part of their supplement, which this manufacturer does not. Including already formed ketones helps to speed up the breakdown of the sources of ketones in the body so this would have been a helpful ingredient.

The supplement does contain lipase though which is an enzyme that helps to break down fat – like the fat in these ingredients. The acesulfame is used as a non-nutritive sweetener.


One serving of this supplement can be taken a day. A serving consists of mixing one scoop of the powder with water, but the manufacturer does not specify how much. We recommend 8 oz. Each serving contains 14 g of medium chain triglycerides (the main source of ketones in a ketogenic diet).

Possible Side Effects

People who are allergic to coconut should avoid this supplement. There may be some side effects from acesulfame, as well, which includes headaches and nausea.

Pregnant and nursing mothers as well as people who suffer from chronic medical conditions should consult a doctor before using this supplement.


The supplement can be purchased online for $44.99. This price does not include shipping, but there is free shipping on all orders that are over $99.99. This could be considered a small discount on bulk orders, but there are no other discounts apart from this one.


This product is guaranteed for 30 days after purchase. It covers both used and unused products, for any reason that the customer may feel unsatisfied for. The manufacturer advises that the customers keep as much of the original packaging and paperwork while testing the supplement, as these must be sent back to them as part of the return.

Our ANS Performance Ketosys Review – Conclusion

ANS Performance has the right idea, but their supplement is just lacking in a few things. Their sources of ketogenic ingredients are well considered and can most certainly be used to generate ketones by the body – but this will take several days without the addition of preformed ketones, especially if the user is not following a high fat diet. This supplement is cheaper than many of its competitors, although we can attribute this to the fact that it does not contain any ready-made ketones. We also believe it is right of this manufacturer to offer a guarantee, but 30 days is not long enough for a customer to test the product properly.

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Sparta Nutrition Cogni Keto Review

This review examines a natural supplement called Sparta Nutrition Cogni Keto. This supplement is designed to improve mental energy and focus by shifting the body into a ketogenic state. A ketogenic state produces organic molecules called ketones, which the brain can use as an energy source. Ketones cause the brain to develop more energy producing cellular components called mitochondria. There are other benefits to a ketogenic state like weight loss and improved stamina. In this review, we determine if the supplement has the right formulation to help you generate the best ketogenic state you can.


  • Calcium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Sodium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate
  • Medium chain triglyceride oil powder
  • Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC)
  • Anhydrous caffeine
  • Lion’s Mane extract
  • Rhodiola rosea extract
  • L-theanine
  • Huperzine A

The beta hydroxybutyrate salts contribute minerals that can help the body to function properly. For example, sodium and calcium are involved in muscle contraction. The beta hydroxybutyrate is a ketone, so increasing levels a bit in your body will shift you into ketosis. Ketosis is a state where the body metabolizes fat as a source of energy in preference to carbohydrates. That’s why some of the ingredients in this product like medium chain triglyceride oils and alpha GPC (both of which are fatty molecules) are included.

The remainder of the ingredients can either be used as an energy source or to help stimulate lipolysis, the breakdown of fat.


One scoop of this supplement, which is a powder, can be taken once a day with 8 ounces of ice cold water. A customer may use two scoops a day once they develop a tolerance but they should not exceed this dosage in a 24-hour period.

Possible Side Effects

The only ingredient customers would really feel side effects from is the caffeine. Caffeine can cause insomnia and restlessness as well as stomach irritation and nausea. Some people may have a particular sensitivity to caffeine so they should be careful. Other than that, pregnant and nursing mothers and people who take chronic medication should consult their doctors before using Sparta Nutrition Cogni Keto.


12.7 oz of Sparta Nutrition Cogni Keto (which contains between 20 and 40 servings depending on how you use it) can be bought online for $59.99. This price does not cover shipping or taxes. The manufacturer provides free shipping on all orders that are over $99 though.


This manufacturer doesn’t offer a guarantee but they do have a returns policy. Products may be returned to the manufacturer if they have not been opened and the manufacturer is notified within 14 days of delivery. This return gives the customer credit for other options and not a cash refund. International customers outside of the USA should be warned that there are no returns on internationally ordered products.

Our Sparta Nutrition Cogni Keto Review – Conclusion

This product contains a few good ingredients and the directions for use are quite easy to follow.

However, this manufacturer does not offer a guarantee on their product, so they don’t give the customers a chance to test if the product is effective or not. That’s quite a high risk to be taking when spending $60 on a supplement.

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The Best Protein Shake On A Ketogenic Diet

The Best Protein Shake On A Ketogenic Diet

What are the key elements of a ketogenic diet?

The key element of this type of diet is that hardly any carbohydrates (in fact less than 15 grams) are consumed. Some protein and a great deal of fat are ingested. Ingesting a large amount of fats places the body into a ketogenic state in which the body burns fat for energy, there being too little carbohydrate fuel. The result is weight loss.

The protein factor

Although this diet allows a moderate amount of protein, it is vital not to exceed the intake of protein, because the liver will convert the protein to glucose and use it for energy. Weight loss will not occur as rapidly then. However, it is also important to ensure that there is enough protein in the diet to prevent the body from burning muscle as source of protein. As a rule, 0.8 grams of protein per 2.2 pounds of body weight is sufficient as a daily intake. For active individuals, 0.9 grams will suffice, too much not being a good thing. Selecting a protein shake that does not exceed the amount of protein is therefore important, especially if several shakes are consumed daily. In addition, if you consume too much protein you may develop kidney damage, taking in too much nitrogen in the amino acids that make up the protein. If you wish to bulk up but not gain belly fat, you should ensure that the shake does not have too many calories which gives no extra benefits. Rather opt for a higher quality protein – isolate protein. This type of protein is more refined, having no unnecessary additives.

The carb factor

For this type of diet to be effective, carbohydrate intake should be less than 50 grams, certainly not more than 80 grams per day. If your carbohydrate intake is less than 30 grams per day the ketosis process will be more effective. Therefore, if a protein shake is used as a meal replacement, a shake should not have more than 10 grams of carbs, thus following a low carb diet.

The fat factor

As mentioned, this diet is based on a high-fat content (up to around 90% of fat). However, most protein shakes are not as high in fats as in protein. Therefore, you could use a low-fat protein shake and add in coconut oil, nuts, or other oils to increase the fat content. Recent research indicates that good fats can be more beneficial for your health. Excess carbohydrates lead to weight gain and raised blood-sugar levels, resulting in diabetes. Fats, however, have not been linked to cancer or weight gain.

The bottom line on the low-carb protein shake

There are various reasons for choosing to go on a ketogenic diet, from simple weight loss to health benefits of controlling epilepsy. Either way, before going on such a restricted diet, speak to your health-care provider and a dietician to ensure that you do not compromise your health. Professionals can guide you on obtaining the best ratio of carbohydrates to protein to fats.

Should You Try the Ketogenic Diet?

Should You Try the Ketogenic Diet?

Comparing The Ketogenic Diet And Other Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets

A Keto Diet involves eating high amounts of fat and low amounts of carbohydrates, with a balanced amount of protein. Because of the high amount of fat intake, the body will use this to fuel the body, instead of glucose from carbs. This will start a metabolic process in the body known as ketosis. The by-product of ketosis is ketones.

For this to happen one may only consume around 50g or less of carbohydrates daily in order for your body to be in a state of ketosis.

The difference between the keto diet and other similar diets is the fact that other low-carb, high-fat diets start off by eating a small amount of carbohydrates. This will only trick the body to start the process of ketosis for a weight loss booster. Carbohydrate intake gradually increases over time, stabilizing the carbohydrate fat ratio.

The ketogenic diet has a consistent low carb intake, which keeps one’s body in a constant state of ketosis. This means you will have to stick to consuming a very low amount of carbohydrates with a high amount of fat.

Clinical Trials Of The Ketogenic Diet

This diet is praised by many books, celebrities, and websites, however, there isn’t a lot of research done on the long-term benefits of this diet for weight loss and health purposes. Furthermore, the ketogenic diet has limited evidence for persons who wish to use it to stay healthy.

The ketogenic diet was originally developed in the 1920’s to help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures associated with epilepsy. Thus, there is research established in pediatrics and childhood cases of epilepsy. With this said research for adults with epilepsy who use this diet is limited and needs to be further investigated.

There is an interest in using the Keto Diet in patients who have brain tumors. However, even though many results from clinical trials have been positive, there are still many concerns linked to the use of this diet. Further in-depth research is needed before a strong conclusion can be made.

What You Should Know

A Ketogenic Diet helps to reduce calorie intake, depletes liver and muscle glycogen stores due to lower carb intake, and it also helps reduce one’s appetite due to the protein and fat intake. Thus, this diet will help you lose weight.

The downfall, however, is that weight loss will not last long-term. You will need to follow this diet with the help of a registered dietitian if you wish to achieve the best results. This is because the diet restricts one from eating many foods and it may cause various nutrient deficiencies. Thus, this diet is very difficult to stick to and may not be beneficial for certain individuals.

In Conclusion

It is clear to see that the Ketogenic Diet offers some short-term metabolic benefits, and it helps with certain medical conditions. However, this diet is not recommended for the those who wish to stay healthy or lose weight without suffering from the potential side effects. There is just not enough evidence that can support the safe and effective use of the keto diet.